Monday, November 28, 2011

yellow diamonds in the light

As the Shepherd says, “Love is beautiful, but it is also terrible–terrible in its determination to allow nothing unblemished or unworthy to remain in the beloved” (179).

Sometimes without even knowing it sadness creeps in. It’s such a cozy blanket, almost comforting but the truth is that it’s debilitating. Once it’s wrapped around it becomes an extension of everything you are. Often it’s hard to realize how low you are feeling until a little spark of joy comes along. That moment of pure bliss is able to illuminate how overshadowed everything else has overtaken by unhappiness. I kind of grew up on C.S. Lewis, where would I be without him and his ability to state such obvious truths about life and remind me that I’ll have these moments from time to time. Though it’s tough to choose one of my favorite quotations of his is, “God loves us too much to leave us as we are.”

One my favorite books is Hind’s Feet on High Places, allow me to squeeze a shout out to my LCHS girls! I find myself going back to this book a lot and I decided to re-read it yet again. Honestly, I’m considering devoting a month of blogging to it because it’s just that powerful. I won’t get too into a synopsis now but the main character is Much Afraid who is on a journey to the High Places by The Shepherd and the companions he gives her are Suffering and Sorrow. Right now this speaks to me, I know that seems a bit much but what am I if not melodramatic?

Not to worry there’s still joy…there’s always joy. From the smallest and often over looked gestures to the gratefulness of my very existence. Here are a few things lately that bring an unforced smile and brighten my days.

peppermint tea, my Clarisonic, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers,

new festive pajama pants, We Found Love by Rihanna, tan towels,

glittery polishes and most of all unyielding hope