Monday, September 24, 2012


I’d love to be back “in” the blogging world but Blogger and I are having some issues, creative differences maybe? I’ve had such a desire to write and digress but the fact that I can only use half the editing tools and my last post only partially posted and was riddled with errors has kept me at bay. I’m currently thinking I should just start a new blog and consider it problem solved.
So, I’m here. Life has been as is…good days, bad days; highs and lows. Sometimes I’m strong and focused others I’m defeated and overwhelmed. Hoping to get the technical kinks worked out and get back in it.

1 comment:

  1. Been feeling the same way. So much to say so much to write, but haven't been putting them here. I am not sure why... I need a blog overall as well. Maybe on Friday when its quite in the office ;)Miss you friend... it is always too long in between catch ups.
